FAQ - Multiple Companies /
Representative Agency Solutions

Can there be several company profiles, respectively sub-profiles, for a company?

Per company, one company profile can be created. If you work for more than one company or represent other companies, you can create a company profile for each of these companies. When you are logged in, you can easily move between your company accounts. It is not possible to create sub-profiles for companies.

How can you commission a representative agency to administer your company profile and/or your project references?

You can give employees of your representative agency certain rights and rolls by going to ‘My Company Profile’ > ‘Users & Rights’. If you would like to give an agency full control over the administration rights, use the invitation form under ‘My Company Profile’ > Invite Representative Agency as Administrator’. When the agency accepts your invitation, the administration rights will be forwarded to the agency until your recall them. The rights of use, however, stays in the hands of the company.

As a representative agency, how do I/we maintain the right to administer the company profile and/or project references for our customers?

You are given certain rights and rolls by your customers or are invited to assume the roll of administrator. Alternatively, let your customer confirm with the appropriate form that you have administrative rights until such rights are recalled.

How many editors can you have for your company profile and project references?

Generally, the number of editors is not limited. So that the experience of working in large teams doesn’t get in the way of publishing project references, not all editors will have publishing rights. The number of editors in the first version of the service package is limited, but can be raised.

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